
The Impact of Heatwaves on People with Disabilities

As the world grapples with the escalating effects of climate change, one vulnerable group often overlooked in discussions is people with disabilities. Heatwaves, fueled by global warming, pose a significant threat to the well-being of people with disabilities and exacerbate existing challenges they face.

This intersection between climate change and disability underscores the pressing need for inclusive strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts on this marginalized community. Heat waves led to more emergency hospital admissions for internal injury among people with disabilities compared to those without; the odds of hospitalization were 1.37 times higher for people with disabilities during periods with extreme temperature.

Physical Impacts 

The physical impacts of heatwaves on individuals with disabilities are manifold, and understanding the specific challenges they face can help tailor effective response measures. 

Impaired Temperature Regulation and Heat Sensitivity

The decreased mobility experienced by individuals with disabilities during heatwaves significantly hampers their body's natural cooling mechanisms (e.g. sweating and vasoconstriction), resulting in difficulties regulating body temperature. This impairment makes them more susceptible to heat-related health issues, including heat exhaustion, dehydration, and heatstroke. The prolonged exposure to extreme heat due to their limited ability to move or change positions also heightens discomfort and intensifies pain sensitivity.

This heat-induced discomfort is particularly distressing for those with disabilities, such as individuals with multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, as it exacerbates their underlying condition, further impacting their well-being during heatwaves.

Impact on Mobility and Access to Cooler Environments

The limited mobility of individuals with disabilities poses challenges in accessing cooler environments, as they are unable to leave their immediate surroundings easily, such as to shift positions to find relief from the scorching temperatures, or seek a public cooling center. This restricted mobility leads to prolonged exposure to extreme heat, amplifying the risk of heat-related health complications. Moreover, for those who rely on assistive devices or equipment, such as wheelchairs or orthotics, the heat generated by these aids adds to their discomfort during hot weather, compounding the challenges they face during heatwaves.

Vulnerability of Individuals with Spinal Injuries

Individuals with spinal cord injuries, specifically those with a severed connection between the hypothalamus in the brain and the rest of the body, are particularly susceptible to heat waves. The disrupted communication channels between their body and brain in turn impair their ability to regulate body temperature. 

As such, maintaining a consistent body temperature in response to changing weather becomes difficult. The convergence of reduced mobility and these underlying constraints in thermoregulation amplifies their susceptibility to heat-related health problems, underscoring the importance of introducing specialized support measures to ensure their safety and well-being in the face of heatwaves.

Mental Health Impacts

Heatwaves also take a toll on the mental health of people with disabilities. The isolation experienced during extreme heat, coupled with limited mobility and accessibility barriers, intensifies feelings of loneliness and social exclusion. 

The inability to venture outdoors for extended periods further compounds their sense of confinement and can lead to heightened anxiety and depression. It is crucial to address the mental health aspects of heatwaves alongside physical considerations.

In response to these challenges, accessible cooling solutions, such as Eztia’s Arctic Patch, offer targeted relief to such individuals during heatwaves. The Arctic Patch provides localized and wearable cooling that can be applied to key thermoregulation points on the body as well as specific areas of discomfort, helping regulate body temperature and alleviate the adverse effects of extreme heat. 

By incorporating innovations like the Arctic  Patch into heat wave response plans, we can create more inclusive and supportive measures that protect the well-being of this vulnerable population.


As climate change continues to intensify heat waves worldwide, it is crucial to address the specific vulnerabilities faced by people with disabilities. The physical and mental health implications are significant, underscoring the need for innovative solutions. Eztia’s Arctic  Patch emerges as a promising product, offering a practical and effective means of combating the adverse effects of extreme heat. By ensuring the well-being and comfort of people with disabilities, we can take a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and resilient society in the face of climate change.

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